Now Im not a huge fan of lots of dichro but I do love it etched, it glows almost like there is something moving inside the bead, a little bit of trapped sunshine or beam of light. So with that in mind may I present the Flutterballs -

And following on from another old experiment that needs more work I have another set - Sari, these are gorgeous they have been selectively etched so that there are glimmers of goldstone sparkling in places around which i have hand drawn gold sari patterns. They feel almost soft somehow and Im really pleased with the amount of detail I got into the size - they are only about 15mm. All that and a pink dichro core that is just stunning in sunshine... but you'll have to wait for a photo of that as currently its rather dull outside here.

I have lots of ideas for these little experiments and where I can take them, hopefully I'll have more to show you soon.
These are both so lovely! I'm a great fan of all shades of blue :-D
P.s. I found your shop with 'mossy rocks'. Do you have any left or will you make more of them? (two or three would be my number) Which shop is more up-to-date, etsy or your own?
These are so beautiful! I haven't seen anything like them before. I know that if I ever bought any that I would never be able to let them go! Hee hee.
They are just out of this world! So beautiful!
OMG drool, these are stunning!
Thank you ladies !
Mags, My website is my main sales point and where I list all new bead sets and where I try to keep a range of jewellery listed. Etsy I try to keep a range of ready made ear bobs on and occasionally other bits and pieces too but mostly I sell through my website. Hope that makes sense ?!?
What beautiful experiments. It's lovely to see something a bit different done with lampwork beads.
Becky will you be making them to order at all. I am totally in love with the flutterbys but need to sell some jewellery before I order any more beads :( If not are you likely to make more, they are fabulous!
Beautiful !!
Oh, I sooo need some of those! :)
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