Saturday 6 November 2010

Blog Tidy

I know it isnt spring but (unless you read through a RSS reader or similar) you have probably noticed I have made a few changes to the blog and had a bit of a tidy. I have been thinking quite a lot recently about what it is I like about my favorite blogs, why is it when I see there is a new post (I use safari's built in RSS reader) from certain people do I rush to read them before others. And I have been looking at some of the plentyful online resources about blogging and trying to decide where I want to go with this blog.

I have come to really enjoy sharing things on here but I realise I am rather random in my witterings !! So if you have any thoughts on posts you have enjoyed, topics you like to read about (or ones you dont like) then I would be delighted if you would leave me a comment. Im planning to make a few changes, to be a little more focused in my approach and hopefully you will enjoy reading as much or more than you do now !
One of my new pendants

...and for anyone interested my current favorite, rush to blogs, at this very minute are The Noisy Plume and  Brandi Girl...  I let you know as a discover new favorites, its one of many things Im thinking I should share more.

1 comment:

Brandi Hussey said...

Aw, thanks so much for the love for my little blog! I appreciate that. Best of luck to you in the new year!